Well, this is my first post on this blog. If you are reading this, I apologize -- it probably means your life sucks and you have nothing to do. Being that bored is rough.
I am obese - at least, that's what Wii Fit says every time I come within ten feet of the balance board. I like to imagine that I have more muscle than average and that, while I am by no means svelte, I don't have quite as much body fat as my BMI indicates.
I suppose, though, that exactly how tubby I am is a bit beside the point. I have lots of health reasons to try to lose weight, anyway. I have high cholesterol, both of my parents are diabetic and my mother is a survivor of colon cancer. On top of all that, I am just uncomfortable. Not just with the way I look, but physically uncomfortable. I feel out of breath often -- when I'm sitting down. I think that's because of fat deposits beneath my abdominal muscles which are pushing my guts up into my rib cage, where my lungs usually like to hang out. I am also the proud owner of a slightly herniated belly button, which is tender to the touch at lest for a couple of hours each week. My slacks don't fit, and if I have to buy even-larger pants, I'll have to punch myself in the face. I've had two back surgeries.
I'm tired of all of it. I don't think that losing a lot of weight will fix all of those problems, but I hope it will make some of them better, at least. So, I'm starting (again) on my journey to become less rotund. I started this blog not so much in the hope that people will read it, but in the hope that the fact that people might theoretically read it might (theoretically) keep me on the straight and narrow a bit more than I might otherwise be inclined to do. So, here's my plan.
My wife and I are going on the South Beach Diet. Today was our first day, and we've managed not to screw up too much. I've done it before with some success, but this is the first time that we've both tried it at the same time. I'm not going to exercise too much to begin with, but I will set weekly goals for physical activity, which will increase over time. I'm going to post every few days to update all you theoretical readers on my progress, and eventually, I'll actually reach some fitness goals. It'll be great!
1 comment:
We didn't "screw up too much"? Are you kidding me? My no sugar coma/headache begs to differ...ALOT!
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