Wednesday, January 7, 2009


If you are one of the three people in this world who read (or pretend to read) this blog, I have some an announcement. Even though I hate goals (because I'm too lazy to follow through on most of them), I've made one of those "...every day" types of resolutions.

I've decided to write something -- anything -- every day. At least 500 words. I'm going to divide those words somehow between this blog, my other family blog and my own laptop. I'm thinking that if it has anything remotely to do with weight loss, I'll put it here. If it's anything else, I'll put it over on the other blog. And if all I can come up with is 500 random words, I'll keep those on my laptop, sparing you at least a bit of idiocy.

However, to spare you readers from what could end up being a very boring blog (and already has, at least a couple of times), I will do my best to keep the stuff posted here (and over there) relevant or clever (or both, if I can swing it).

And for what may end up being the other 300 days this year, let me apologize in advance. Thanks for your patience.

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