Monday, December 21, 2009


First things first. I missed my run on Saturday. I walked out the door and to my staring point, jogged about 10 steps, and realized that my knees were screaming, "Don't you DARE!!!" So I stopped, turned around, and walked home, thus missing what should have been my last 1:30/1:30 run.

I did get out tonight, however, even though I was completely exhausted. Rather than try to make up for Saturday's run, however, I decided to plow on with my schedule, moving up to 2 minute run / 1 minute walk. My knees protested again when I started, but I thought, "Meh, I'll keep going and see what happens." Sure enough, by the time I'd been running for about 30 seconds, my knees weren't bothering me at all. (Wish I'd thought of that Saturday...) I did find myself adjusting my gait throughout the run. Every now and then I'd sense myself hitting the pavement too hard, or trying to cushion the blow too much with my toes (which seemed to bother my knees more, interestingly enough), so I'd tweak it slightly and move on. It seemed to work for me. My exertion level was on the high side of "medium" - with most run segments being 3 steps in, 2 steps out. I may decide later that this level is too low for a good workout (I haven't bothered to check my pulse yet), but for now I'm fine with it. Remember - three weeks ago, I hadn't run furher than 50 feet in almost 5 years.

I checked my numbers, and if my distance (found at USA Track and Field association) is correct, I did about 2.25 miles in my 30 minutes. Depending on how slow my walks were (between 2 and 3 miles per hour), my running pace was between 9:00 and 11:30 miles. I figure I'll get a more accurate read later on, after I've been doing this for a while. Right now, though, the focus is still on just getting out and going, rather than speed.

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