Saturday, February 21, 2009

Trying to Not Suck As Much

Okay, so I haven't written in a while. I haven't really done anything fitness-related in pretty much as long, so I guess it's only fitting.

Last week I had a conversation with Rody, and we've decided to re-vamp the rules. We also have added a couple of people to our little contest. I'll post the rules tomorrow (once we have agreed on them). Now, rather than just the long(ish)-term weight loss goals, we've added some things to do that we can keep track of daily. There will still be a prize for losing weight, but we have also added a prize for walking/jogging/running and weekly prizes for other types of exercise, staying with the diet and staying focused on fitness, as evidenced by writing on this blog.

Here's hoping that I will do considerably better over the next few months.

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