Monday, February 22, 2010


I've missed a couple of weeks now. I have some pretty good reasons, I think. I've been working a lot of extra hours at work, and have also been spending a lot of time at church. When I'm home, I feel like my time is not my own, it belongs to my family - at least until the baby goes to bed. At that point, I have just a few minutes (it seems) to have some "me" time before I need to go to bed, if I'm going to wake up and get to work early.

Today, however, I got a bit more motivation, in the form of a doctor's appointment. The good news is that my HDL (the good cholesterol) is increased, and my triglycerides are down. My LDL (bad cholesterol) is stable, however, and my liver is still not doing terribly well. I was told that, like much of the rest of my body, my liver is fatty. Not too big of a surprise. What made things sink in, however, was when it was explained to me that fatty liver is often a precursor to liver cancer. So now, I get to fret about that, on top of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Great.

But it was just the kick in the pants I needed (at least for tonight). Ideally, I will run 3-4 times each week. I will also be taking niacin every night (which will help with my LDL), and fish oil or flaxseed oil 3 times each day. I'm also going to do some research into under-the-desk bicycling equipment (basically an exercise bike, but without the seat or the handlebars) and try to get a couple of hours of that in each day while I'm at work. Ambitious? Yep. Will I be tired? Probably. But maybe I'll be able to eke out a few extra years of "daddy time" for my kids.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Oh, and BTW, I did run tonight. It was good. I managed to go faster on my way back than on my way out (which has only happened a couple of times), and I didn't feel sick at the end. I felt good, even. We'll see how Wednesday goes.