Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today's Run

I know, my entry titles are getting really old. But when most of what I have to write about essentially amounts to an exercise web log (exblog?), I start to run out of titles. I suppose I could just create random titles that have nothing to do with the entry, like this:


Today I ran 2.64 miles in exactly 32:05. I was pretty tired at the end, but I felt really good, too. I feel like I've accomplished a personal best - at least for the past 5 years. My average mile time was about 12 minutes, with my "running" miles ranging anywhere from 10 minutes to 10:30. My lungs are feeling a bit crusty now, but I don't know if that's because I pushed a bit too hard (or maybe exactly hard enough?) or if I'm getting sick, or if it's just too dry right now. My joints feel fine, and life is relatively good. My timer worked very well, but there are a few things I want to fix - possibly by actually *gasp* paying for an app.

So, how did that work? A bit more exciting? Maybe I'll keep this up if I actually find out that someone besides me ever looks at this space. Actually, maybe I'll do it more if I don't. Less pressure may open up my creativity...

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